Stereo Cameras
BOTANICA 3D available to order November 10, 2020
Stereo Video Cameras

Introducing N3D.studio

Welcome to N3D.studio. This site is for productions that will be coming to Blu ray 3D as well as content that is available on my Youtube channel. There will also be more information added about stereo 3D, cameras and upcoming film productions.


  • Current and upcoming films available
  • Stereo images in the Gallery
  • More information on 3D films
  • Articles about 3D and cameras used.
  • Ad free. No annoying ads on this site. Enjoy!
  • Where to order

Stereo 3D Cameras

Find out what cameras I'm using to film with and more information on them below.



Latest Articles

I will list my latest articles here:

Dedicated to filming in native stereoscopic 3D.


I would entertain any collaboration opportunity. Currently, I do all the work myself. With additional help, larger film projects would then be possible. I would love to film a 3D live-action movie but it would require a small crew at the very least.


I have be working with stereo 3D cameras since 2014 after picking up a 3D TV and viewing movies and documentaries in 3D, fell in love with the old format. I began by purchasing several 3D cameras and setting off blindly learning on the fly and asking questions from others as needed.


©2020 N3D.STUDIO